5 Questions with Nick Garrison from Foolproof Brewing in Rhode Island
Nick Garrison is the president and founder of Foolproof Brewing Company in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. An avid homebrewer, Nick left a career in marketing in the aerospace industry in 2012 to pursue his dream and passion of launching a craft brewery in Rhode Island. You'll have a chance to sample Foolproof's brews at the 2014 Food & Travel Expo.
We asked him a few questions...
1. Tell us about the history of Foolproof Brewing
Foolproof Brewing Company is based in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, and each of our beers is designed with a specific life experience in mind. We're a little over a year old and in that time have become one of the largest breweries in Rhode Island. Our company was also just voted best brewery in the state by Rhode Island Monthly Magazine.

2. You're going to be at the 2014 Food & Travel Expo. Can you tell us about some of the beers we can expect to sample?
We will be serving our most popular beer – Backyahd IPA, which is a well balanced, flavorful, and incredibly drinkable IPA. We'll also have our extremely popular farmhouse ale, LFU (La Ferme Urbaine – French for "the urban farm"), which is brewed in the French saison tradition. Finally, we'll be pouring Raincloud, our robust porter, which is a rich and delicious dark beer.
3. What can we expect if we visit the brewery?
You can expect one of the most entertaining and informative brewery tours you've ever been on and, of course, beer samples! We guarantee you'll leave with a deeper understanding and appreciation for local craft beer, plus a cool Foolproof pint glass. We host tours every Saturday afternoons from 1:00-5:00 and tastings on Friday evenings from 5:00-7:00.

4. Is it just us, or has the microbrew scene in Rhode Island exploded in the last few years? Why is that?
It absolutely has exploded, and I think Foolproof has played a key role in helping expand the local craft beer scene. What's going on in Rhode Island right now is sort of a miniature "beer renaissance." It's great to see Rhode Island beer catching up with the robust local culinary scene – I feel the two go hand in hand.
5. Any special brews that we might see in the future?
Well, Russian imperial stout lovers will be pleased to know that we're releasing Revery a bit earlier this year – it should be out in time for Thanksgiving. We're also working on a collaboration beer at the moment but don't want to spill any details quite yet. We'll have more information available about that in the new year!