Podcast Episode 106: The Evolution of Fruit
In this episode of the Find Dining Podcast, Australian high school chemistry teacher James Kennedy tells us how fruits have evolved over time. He tells us the story of his infographics about the evolution of food that have gone viral on the internet.

Check out James' blog
James got the idea for his infographics after working on David McCandless ' book, Knowledge Is Beautiful: Impossible Ideas, Invisible Patterns, Hidden Connections--Visualized
Learn about the evolution of watermelon, corn, and peaches.
Bruce Ames tested the toxicity of artificial and natural compounds using the Ames Test.
You should read Jarred Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies
1. Food for Thought
- Q: What is the most popular foreign cuisine in Britain?

- A: Indian food.
2. Out of the Frying Pan
- Esthers are awesome ( see chart )

Favorite YouTube Channels: Chef Steps, Gordon Ramsay, and Jamie Oliver
Where to Include Food in Your Chemistry Lessons: Organic Chemistry and Thermochemistry
What to Get the Science Foodie as a Gift: Gift certificates to a restaurant that uses molecular gastronomy, such as one of Heston Blumenthal 's