Podcast Episode 112: The Joy of Ballpark Food
Bennet Jacobstein, author of The Joy of Ballpark Food: From Hot Dogs to Haute Cuisine, talks to us about what foodies can find at different baseball stadiums around the country.

Hot dogs and sausages are not the same thing.
The quality of ballpark food was elevated in the 90s as new stadiums were built and food television shows took off.
Stadiums have highlighted regional foods.
Gordon Biersch 's founder Dan Gordon introduced garlic fries at Candlestick Park in 1994.
The song "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" was written in 1908.
The Yankees replaced Cracker Jacks at one point, but brought it back after a public outcry.
Veggie Happy spearheaded the movement to get veggie dogs sold at ballpark stadiums.
Andrew Zimmern has a stand in the Minnesota ballpark.
Rocky Mountain Oysters are bull testicles.
"The Big Six" are the food companies that service the major ballparks.
As you go from ballpark to ballpark, try the hot dogs at each to see how they're done differently.
Proceeds from Bennett's book go to Second Harvest Food Bank.
1. Food for Thought
- Q: In what year were Cracker Jacks first served at a baseball game?

- A: 1896 in Atlantic City.
2. Out of the Frying Pan
Here's what Bennet recommends you try at each ballpark:

Yankees Stadium in New York City: Chicken and Waffles.
Fenway Park in Boston: Lobster Roll and a cuban sandwich.
Wrigley Field in Chicago: Chicago-style hot dog with Vienna beef.
Turner Field in Atlanta: Boiled peanuts.
Marlins Park in Miami: Cuban dishes.
Safeco Field in Seattle: The Ivar's hot dog (with fish) and cream cheese hot dog.
Nationals Park in Washington D.C.: A cauliflower hot dog and presidential cupcakes.
Busch Stadium in St. Louis: The BBQ.
Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles: Tommy Lasorda Spumoni ice cream.
AT&T Park in San Francisco: Crab salad, lamb sausages, and Gordon Biersch garlic fries.