5 Questions with Grace Della of Miami Culinary Tours
The idea of culinary tours came to Grace Della from her mother about ten years ago. Now she currently does 3 Miami tours to help residents/tourists now about the Miami food scene and the culture behind it. We asked her a couple questions about her tours...
1. What is the history of Miami Culinary Tours?
I founded Miami Culinary Tours in 2010. I started with the Little Havana Food Tour and then after 6 months I opened the South Beach Food Tour and recently launched our third public tour called the Wynwood Food Tour. With so many flavors colliding into one city, it's no wonder Miami is one of the most exciting culinary destinations – and we’re ready to share it with both adventurous and selective eaters everywhere.

2. If a foodie is coming to Miami for the first time, what neighborhoods should they check out?
Wynwood would be my first advice, then South Beach and then Little Havana.

3. What foods is Miami known for?
Miami is known for its empanadas. We have so many different Latin cultures each has its own type of empanadas. They are all very different and delicious. For example, Colombians make their empanadas using yellow corn for the dough, Argentines never fry an empanada and the dough is made with wheat. Cubans fry their empanadas but the dough is made with wheat. Empanadas are Miamians "fingers foods." Or better to say, "street food!" In addition, plantains are served in Miami in many different ways, such as tostone cups to pan fried.
4. Who are some of the up and coming chefs that we should keep our eyes on?
Carlos Torres for the innovative Nuevo Latino Cuisine. Samuel Gorenstein for his next move (we never know what that would be!), Giorgio Rapicavoli for some new Floribbean masterpiece.

5. ). Give us a bit of foodie trivia about the city
- Did you know that Gloria Estefan, who owns restaurants in Miami, actually comes from a long line of chefs? Her great grandfather was the personal chef for two presidents in Cuba.

Did you know that one of the most famous restaurants in the world called Joe's Stone Crab in Miami Beach did not start offering stone crabs when they opened in 1921
What Latin country makes a drink combining beer with cream soda called Refajo? Colombia
Who is considered the godfather of Nuevo Latino Cuisine? Chef Douglas Rodriguez