Podcast Episode 15: Frog N Snail in Chicago
In this episode of the Find Dining podcast, Jessica Berson of Bunny and Brandy's Brunchtime Blog offers up another great restaurant recommendation: Frog N Snail in Chicago, where Chef Dale Levitski specializes in upscale French/American comfort food dishes like Manhattan and Egg and Sweet Pea Risotto Cake.

Read more about Frog N Snail on Bunny and Brandy's Brunchtime Blog
Visit Frog N Snail's website
Frog N Snail is located at 3124 North Broadway in Chicago
Chicago Food Events:
Taste of Chicago (July)
Chicago Gourmet (September)
Jessica Recommends for Brunch:
Peach N Mushroom Crepe
The Hodgepodge Crepe
Strawberry Elderberry Coconut Coffee
Coffee Cake
Out of the Frying Pan Picks:
Best Wine List: ING Restaurant
Favorite Sandwich Shops: Franks 'N' Dawgs
Favorite Name for a Restaurant: Wilde
Favorite BBQ oint: Heaven on Seven
Favorite Sushi Restaurant: Diva Restaurant
Also available on iTunes.