Podcast Episode 93: Chef Grant Achatz
In this episode of the Find Dining podcast, we talk to Grant Achatz, acclaimed chef/owner of Alinea, Aviary, and Next in Chicago. We discuss building his first car, molecular gastronomy, and surviving tongue cancer.

Chef Achatz was honored by the James Beard Foundation as a "Who's Who Inductee" in 2012
Read Life, on the Line: A Chef's Story of Chasing Greatness, Facing Death, and Redefining the Way We Eat or Alinea
3 Michelin-starred Alinea is among the World's Best Restaurants and will celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2015
Follow some of The French Laundry 's other notable alumni: Eric Zeibold, Ron Siegel, Gregory Short
Get progressive with WD~50 and Eleven Madison Park
Buy a ticket to experience time and place in the menu at Next
1. Food for Thought
- Q: What is the difference between shoyu and tamari soy sauces?

- A: Shoyu is made from soy and wheat; tamari is only soy
2. Out of the Frying Pan
- If I want to do molecular gastronomy at home, where do I start: Le Santuaire, and 100% Chef

Favorite cheap eats in Chicago: Pot Belly
Weirdest thing you've ever made: a one-bite lozenge of frozen mango, bonito, and sesame oil
Chefs to watch: Blaine Wetzel and Alex Stupak
Plans for new restaurant: still working it out, but due to open in early 2015
Favorite Cocktails to order at Aviary : In the Rocks or Green Thumb